The One Million Jobs Campaign only serves individuals who have been directly impacted by the criminal justice system or have a blemish on their record. This includes having been incarcerated, having been on probation, having an arrest record, or having other direct contact with the justice system.
If you have not been directly impacted by the criminal justice system, other agencies across Connecticut may be able to support your job search. Connecticut's Workforce Development Boards operate six full service American Jobs Centers and fourteen additional affiliate American Jobs Centers, which offer career services, including career navigation, skills training, and job referrals, to all individuals. Location, contact information, and additional details for each American Jobs Center can be found here. Additional job postings can be found at the Connecticut Department of Labor’s CTHires website, Indeed, and
For individuals seeking job training, community colleges across Connecticut offer many Workforce Development and Continuing Education Programs, including free SNAP Employment & Training programs for SNAP recipients. A full list of CT community colleges can be found here.
Please contact with any questions. We look forward to supporting your job search and application efforts!

One Million Jobs Campaign Sponsors